life :o)

Monday, Jul. 28, 2008 at 6:00 pm

Am still in a solid place of recovery. It feels great to have my life back. I think back to the years I spent barely existing. The hours I spent with my head down the toilet, laying in bed unable to move, barely even breathing.

I have started up a facebook support group for people suffering with diabulimia (contact me if you want to join). This week someone contacted me who has also started their own group and through their group I have joined an online community for people affected by diabulimia.

I am so pleased that finally there are groups online raising awareness. Before it was only through peoples blogs that any awareness of diabulimia was raised.

I am so grateful to all the people who helped me through the darkest periods of my life, I couldn't have done it without the support of friends both online and real life. 0 comments so far