
Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2006 at 9:32 pm

I'm on overnight leave as I am going out for the day with my mum tomorrow so am at my parents house and have internet access.

Claire...to answer your question, no I'm not in London. I'm in Oxford.

Physically I am healthier than I have been in over two years. My bloodsugars aren't quite stabilised yet but I am taking my insulin regularly and am fine tuning the balance, at the moment they are swinging all over the place. But with the regular eating pattern and correct use of insulin I'm sure things will settle down if I keep persevering.

I am probably going to be IP for the next 3-4 weeks then be discharged back to the day patient programme.

I feel that I am really making progress now and am praying that I can maintain this when I am back in the 'real world'.

Thanks to those of you who have left me notes. Thinking of you all. Take care xxx 1 comments so far