
Monday, May. 01, 2006 at 1:38 pm

Thought it was about time I posted an update!

I'm still receiving treatment but as a day patient rather than an inpatient. I'm pleased to be able to say that my IP stay had a lot of positive results and I am maintaining a much healthier lifestyle than I was before I went IP!I was so scared that as soon as I returned to being a day patient that I would return to the way I was before and go completely down hill, but I'm the healthiest that I have been in years and most of the time my bloodsugars are normal.

I'm not denying that it is still a constant struggle but it is gradually becoming easier. The times that I slip up are out numbered by the times that I do well, and when I do have a slip up I rarely let it turn into a major catastrophe.

At the moment the plan is to be discharged from day patient treatment at the end of May. It's quite a scary thought but is exciting as well because I really feel ready to move on and have a go at getting on with my life.

I'm not returning to university but I am going to get a job in childcare and do an NVQ whilst working. This is a really big motivating factor for me to stay on track, because in order to look after little children I need to be well and healthy myself.

Just wanted to say thank you to you guys who have been so encouraging to me (you know who you are) and I'm still reading your diaries and thinking of you often. I love you all! 1 comments so far