Why why why

Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2004 at 9:35 am

Bleh, why did I tell him?

He is the most lovely, sensitive and wonderful guy I know. I've wanted for some strange reason to tell him about my eating disorder for so long but never did. Well last night I told him over MSN, I haven't seen him since Christmas and will be seeing him again at Easter, I'm really worried that this will change our friendship in some way and that the rest of our group of friends will notice this and figure out that something is wrong.

I don't know why I always feel such a compulsion to tell him everything about me. It's probably because he's my closest guy friend and our friendship is absolutely platonic. He always asks how I am and says that I can talk to him any time I want.

I feel guilty about telling him though because I know that he will worry about me. He wants me to consider seeing a counsellor, I told him that I would consider it but can't promise anything.

Aargh what have I done! 0 comments so far