a lapse

Thursday, Jun. 22, 2006 at 12:05 pm

It's been 3 weeks since I finished day patient treatment, I'm now seeing my therapist once a week for an hour, except I didn't see her last week because she had to go to a funeral and I haven't seen her this week because I got the time of my session wrong and missed it (doh). I'm seeing her on Monday though.

The first week after ending treatment actually went really well. Things have gone downhill quite a lot since then and I'm really struggling to get back on track.

Ben and I split up, I still don't have a job, I don't have anywhere to live after the summer...I'm seriously considering moving home to my parents but I really want to stay here.

I don't know what to do, everything feels so unsettled at the moment.

But having said that, I have a wonderful support network of friends and family around me. I know that God is with me and no matter what else changes he remains constant and faithful. He has got me through this far and he is not about to leave me now!! 0 comments so far