
Saturday, Jul. 15, 2006 at 12:10 pm

hmm...have found out that TF does still exist...ages ago I suddenly couldn't get to the site anymore, I tried loads of times over a period of about 4 months and then gave up. HAve found the site again but I can't get on it anymore :( it will not accept my username and registration is closed.

If any TF people are reading this...please can you PM an administrator or someone and ask if I can be allowed back on. I really miss everyone!

HAve been doing okay for the past few days...before that wasn't so great...but that's behind me now. I'm looking at jobs for September, I need to be fit and well for that. Nothing else much to say, I'm still unsure about alot at the moment. Not quite sure what direction I'm heading in! 0 comments so far