Nothing much

Sunday, Nov. 16, 2003 at 7:00 pm

I am so tired, I planned to sleep this afternoon for a bit after I got back from my shift but I only managed 30 minutes dozing on and off. It was probably a bad idea even sleeping for that short amount of time as I have enough trouble sleeping at night anyway.

I feel like I have been eating constantly today, but I haven't really andI suppose I haven't actually eaten that much.

B/fast: 200 cals ~ some cereal, didn't have any milk so put yogurt on it instead

Lunch: 180 cals ~ yogurt and an apple

Dinner: some rice crackers (60 cals) a few grapes, some nuts and raisins (100 cals). was going to have soup but tasted it and it made me feel sick so left it.

Had better go, couldn't go to church this morning due to work but am going to an evening service now. 0 comments so far