Give up?

Friday, May. 21, 2004 at 3:39 pm

Argh, I feel about ready to give in. I feel so rubbish right now. I just had a massive binge session. Why can't I damn control it. It's so frustrating. Right now I'm thinking it was better when I didn't want to recover when I was almost content doing what I was doing. At least then I didn't feel the crushing sense of despair and failure each time I mucked up my day by a binge then purging. I just feel like I can't do anything right, I'm just disappointing myself and God. I keep having to confess the same thing to Him over and over again and it makes me feel so pathetic. I feel so guilty. I'm wasting my time, wasting my money, wasting my life. I can't concentrate on my work, I'm tired all the time and am wrecking myself both mentally and physically. What a mess :o( 0 comments so far