
Saturday, Aug. 27, 2005 at 11:13 pm

Today is exactly a year since Ben and I met. It feels so wrong being here whilst he is at Greenbelt, I should be there too remembering the first few days we got to know each other.

I am so desperate to see him. This summer has been so long without him. Phonecalls and letters have been the lifeline keeping us both from going insane, but they are nothing compared to being in the same room as each other. Able to see each other, to hold each other and to be totally lost to all else that is going on around us.

I am really looking forward to going to stay with him and his family next week. But I am also really worried. I don't want his parents to see how sick I am. I don't want to be a burden on them, I don't want to worry them. I don't want Ben to see me like this, he's worried enough already, I can hear it in his voice when we talk on the phone.

I need to pull myself together, to start taking my insulin regularly again. I need to get well. I think about my future with Ben...but if I don't overcome this there will be no future. 0 comments so far